Get ready

Mission Statement: a guide to defining the 'why, what and how' of your company

The mission of your company is what should guide your cultural values. Get inspired and use this guide with examples and an interview to help you clearly state your mission.

Step into the world of inspiring missions and vibrant cultures

Where culture is the means and mission is the goal. Why is a mission-driven culture so crucial? Because it not only guides decision-making and strategy, but also creates a sense of direction and engagement for your employees.

Your mission simply states why your company exists, what you do, and especially how you accomplish this together. And let's be honest, it's that 'how' that forms a winning culture! But how do you formulate a powerful mission? Discover it in our guide! Dive into the Mission Statement interview, packed with questions for your leadership so they can formulate the mission crystal clear. Plus, enjoy a variety of examples of mission statements from various industries.

The guide includes:

  • An explanation and ample examples of mission statements to inspire you
  • The interview guide for an interview of approximately 45-60 minutes

So you can formulate a clear Mission Statement that can support your culture and serve as a starting point for both the co-writing team and the development of the career framework.

Other resources to get ready

Inspiration session – The Culture Factor

A short teaser of our inspiring talk 'The Culture Factor': how successful companies unleash the business value of culture.

Cultural Manifesto (example)

Check an example of our cultural manifestos and see how we translate your business mission to a unique set of values, behaviors and rituals.

Career framework (example)

Your team culture can be traced back to a shared set of competencies on which you develop your team. Discover how we place cultural values at the core of your career framework, growth paths, and role descriptions.

How we can help you to get ready


Cultural DNA

Define your winning cultural values and behaviors

We guide you and your team while defining your winning culture and delivering your custom-written and designed Cultural Manifesto, which will be the foundation all your future People and Culture practices.


Career Framework

Put culture at the heart of your growth paths

Culture is a company-wide competency. We help you embed your cultural DNA into your growth paths. By formulating clear, culture-driven growth paths, you always offer your talent a transparent growth perspective.


Culture Strategy: Inspiration session

Inspire your leadership team with leading cultural best practices

In an inspiring session, we boost your leadership team’s understanding of what culture truly is and how leading companies make business strategy and culture mutually reinforce each other.