Team Rituals
Culture as the consistent backbone of your entire employee journey
Place your unique cultural DNA at the heart of all your team-building rituals: from employer branding and recruitment to onboarding, from feedback and mentoring to talent evaluation.
In short
Involve your employees in recurring, team-forming moments, from the choice of who to hire to supporting talent development through feedback and evaluation.
Based on best practices, we collaboratively formulate the optimal structure for your hiring, onboarding, talent development, and talent evaluation rituals that align with your culture.
We work closely with your People and Culture lead.
Towards consistent and culture-driven Team Rituals
Your team culture is shaped by consistently and culture-driven hiring, welcoming, and evaluating.
How do you engage your team members in your culture while keeping your cultural DNA strong and consistent?
We approach HR processes such as recruitment, onboarding, feedback, and performance evaluations as cultural rituals. By involving multiple team members in these steps and always placing your unique cultural DNA at the centre, we ensure that all these processes are not only consistent and inclusive but also reinforce one another.
This way, the employee journey is both pleasant and clear for your current and future team members, optimally contributing to the continuous strengthening of your culture.
"The rituals we practice shape the soul of the culture"
Because your team and culture are formed by who you hire, how you welcome them, and who you place in influential positions.
We actively advise on which implementation of your team rituals best aligns with your specific culture type and ensure a rollout that meets your specific needs.
We provide a concrete description and elaboration of your key team rituals (employer branding & hiring, employee onboarding, talent development, and talent evaluation), ready for implementation.