The latest in Culture

Vacature: Jr. Visual Designer (part-time)

Vacature: Jr. Visual Designer (part-time)

Ondersteun ons team door sterke visuele uitingen te ontwerpen die onze marketing (socials en website), deliverables, app en algemene huisstijl zichtbaar, krachtig en aantrekkelijk neerzetten.

Loop jouw stage bij SUMM

Loop jouw stage bij SUMM

Designers gezocht!

Release notes: Evaluations pt. I

Release notes: Evaluations pt. I

Read how these small changes improve your admin experience in scheduling and managing evaluations.

When feedback becomes feedback

When feedback becomes feedback

How we turned feedback into feedback!

Introducing: Journals

Introducing: Journals

We're delighted to introduce a new feature that's all about fostering growth, collaboration, and a thriving company culture: Journals.

Onboarding: de eerste indruk telt

Onboarding: de eerste indruk telt

Een goed begin is inderdaad het halve werk: de eerste periode van een nieuw teamlid is een unieke (en eenmalige) kans. Het is het moment om verbinding te creëren en het DNA van een bedrijf diep in nieuwe mensen te verankeren.

Culture at the Heart of the Employee Experience

Culture at the Heart of the Employee Experience

Read here how to make your defined cultural values tangible from the first conversation to the last working day. How to use shared rituals that bring defined values to life within a team. These culture-driven practices, exemplified through employer branding, hiring, onboarding, feedback, performance management, and employee engagement, pave the way for a transformative Employee Experience anchored in a cohesive organizational culture.

Culture at the Heart of Your Employee Journey

Culture at the Heart of Your Employee Journey

Place your company culture at the heart of your employees' journey, from definition to daily application. Develop a strong team culture by embedding cultural values in every role within your organization

The Anatomy of a Cultural Manifesto

The Anatomy of a Cultural Manifesto

In this deep dive, we delve into the building blocks and approach of a strong, embraced, and applicable Cultural Manifesto: Characteristics: What makes a good Cultural Manifesto? Contents: What structural composition should a Cultural Manifesto have? Approach: How do you approach this?

The Pathway to a Strong, Scalable Organizational Culture.

The Pathway to a Strong, Scalable Organizational Culture.

The goal: a clear, flexible and scalable culture. But how do you get there These are the 5 steps that lead to cultural maturity.

The building blocks for success: business value of company culture

The building blocks for success: business value of company culture

In the dynamic world of business, one truth becomes increasingly clear: the key to success lies in the culture that surrounds an organization. Attracting talent, retention, productivity, and well-being are profoundly impacted by a strong corporate culture. Discover how culture isn't just a means, but the driving force behind sustainable business success.

Real Impact on Culture: From People Strategy to Employee Experience 

Real Impact on Culture: From People Strategy to Employee Experience 

AllChiefs and SUMM combine experience and expertise with the right tools. We are the partner who, just like our previous clients, successfully guides you from strategy to practice

Improvements and additions to your company rituals - now in Dutch!

Improvements and additions to your company rituals - now in Dutch!

The team has looked into improving already existing features and adding new ones to centre you and your team around culture, along the entire employee journey.

Vacature: Jr. Culture Consultant

Vacature: Jr. Culture Consultant

Als Jr. Culture Consultant sta je centraal in hoe wij onze klanten bedienen: van het begin van de relatie tot de doorlopende diensten die we leveren om onze klanten te helpen een sterke teamcultuur op te bouwen. 

SUMM @ Agency Runners Podcast

SUMM @ Agency Runners Podcast

Recently, I was invited to join the podcast Agency Runners and tell the story of how SUMM started out within an agency. Curious to hear the story? Listen to the episode on Spotify the over here! 

Customer Testimonial - AllChiefs

Customer Testimonial - AllChiefs

Hear from consultancy firm AllChiefs about why they decided to define their Cultural Manifesto

SUMM Customer testimonial: World of Work

SUMM Customer testimonial: World of Work

How World of Work uses SUMM to practice what they preach and put Culture first

The Culture Factor: How New10 brings together the best of both worlds

The Culture Factor: How New10 brings together the best of both worlds

Just 6 years ago, a small group of ABN AMRO-ers got together and started a corporate start-up with the goal to set the new norm in financing entrepreneurs. Today, this spin-out is called New10, has grown into a team of 130+ employees, and helped clients to invest more than 300 mil euros  in their businesses. How do you keep that challenger culture whilst also maturing as you go? Arnoud (CEO New10) and Sebasiatian (Head of People & Culture) share their learnings.

A chat with Kim Krauwel, managing partner at Amsterdam based digital agency Bravoure

A chat with Kim Krauwel, managing partner at Amsterdam based digital agency Bravoure

Hear from digital agency Bravoure about how they involve their entire team in how they shape their agency culture

The 4 things any team high performing team needs

The 4 things any team high performing team needs

Many companies have started to doubt the value of the traditional annual ‘evaluation-talk’, dread the hierarchical feeling of it and have moved on to a different, more modern approach. The question is: is abandoning the traditional performance cycle actually working? When is less structure too little structure?

The Culture Factor: How Secfi captured and grows its international team Culture

The Culture Factor: How Secfi captured and grows its international team Culture

Founded just 5 years ago, Secfi has grown into the leading partner for start-up employees that helps them unlock the benefits of working at promising start-up’s. A journey that has led the Secfi team through rapid growth, up’s & downs and gave rise to a very internationally orientated yet close knit team culture. Time for a chat with Senior Director of People & Culture Lucinda Pouw to share some learnings.

SUMM Customer Testimonial - DeRoos advocaten

SUMM Customer Testimonial - DeRoos advocaten

Hear how De Roos advocaten uses SUMM to stay true to their DNA while their team rapidly expands

Platform release notes September '22

Platform release notes September '22

A fresh new update to improve your evaluations.
In this issue: Updates to Term reviews, Evaluation forms and progress pages, as well as quality of life.

Live your values: what’s on your 2023 People & Culture Agenda?

Live your values: what’s on your 2023 People & Culture Agenda?

As People & Culture professional you know: building a strong company culture should be front and center of all your People processes. And so, chances are your main strategic goal for the next year is to help your company to truly live your cultural values. By putting them to practice in all your hiring, onboarding and evaluation rituals. Well, if that is the case: today is the day to get going and prepare for a Culture driven 2023!

How Swapfiets captured its culture whilst growing at hyper speed

How Swapfiets captured its culture whilst growing at hyper speed

Daniëlle van Alewijn, Director of People and Culture at Swapfiets shares her 3 key learnings on building a scalable culture

How to define your own Cultural Manifesto

How to define your own Cultural Manifesto

By codifying their company's culture in a Cultural Manifesto, more and more businesses are making their cultural values clear and tangible for everyone that is involved. Which makes scaling only a simple next step.

Dolly Parton's great advice on Culture

Dolly Parton's great advice on Culture

Culture is a feeling - a vibe. It's something intangible and can only be experienced on the workfloor. Well, then how come so many companies have successfully achieved in catching this vibe and growing their business around it?

The Business Value of Culture.

The Business Value of Culture.

No business strategy in the world can be successful without the right work-culture supporting it. But how to do it right?

The power of Culture / Business Fit:

The power of Culture / Business Fit:

It’s not exactly rocket science to understand the relation between culture and business success. Let's talk about what it takes to align your business goals to your culture - and how this can make your business successful.