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Inspiration session – The Culture Factor

What is the business power of culture? How do companies like Spotify, Netflix and IDEO define & grow their culture? What are the building blocks of a great cultural manifesto? In this short teaser of our inspiring talk 'The Culture Factor', we introduce how successful companies unleash the business value of culture. And how you can use their methods.

  • Inspiring to all: from founders to team members
  • Founded on best practices & academic research
  • Pragmatic and actionable: close the gap between 'vision' and putting it to practice

Other resources

Cultural Manifesto (example)

Check an example of our cultural manifestos and see how we translate your business mission to a unique set of values, behaviors and rituals.

Career Framework (example)

Your team culture can be traced back to a shared set of competencies on which you develop your team. Discover how we place cultural values at the core of your career framework, growth paths, and role descriptions.

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